We are a fantastic team of three like-minded folks.
Brian is a drummer and photographer. He shoots with a rhythm that makes everyone smile…easy to be with and great at catching wonderful ephemeral moments. With over 15 years of experience, Brian is able to seamlessly capture your special day! Keldon is a true Renaissance man. Besides being an awesome photographer, he builds his own drones. And as lead photographer and second shooter, he creates wonderful images.
The life of a photographer is a privilege and a joy. To be surrounded by love at a wedding, the beauty and excitement is more than we ever dreamed of. To photograph a young family, knowing we are creating heirlooms, is a great honor. When creating portraits, we will always hold your hand through the process, making it easy, fun, and memorable.
Fun, animated, yet original and beautiful photography gets us excited.
We will capture you exactly as you want to be seen.
My experience includes photographing dancers from the American Ballet and Joffrey Ballet, photographing at the White House, shooting events at the Rainbow Room, The Hearst Castle, The New York Public Library, The Kennedy Center in Washington DC (Including a performance on the stage).
I have photographed many families, headshots, kid’s portraits, as well as high-end advertisements for Tiffany, Este Lauder, Bloomingdales, New York Magazine, and more!
“Cynthia DelConte is a magnificent photographer and a beautiful person inside and out. Outstanding and magical experience on my wedding day! I would highly recommend Cynthia if you are looking for a photographer. She captures the most magical shots and is very passionate about her work. All of my friends and family cannot believe how beautiful my wedding photos came out! Thank you Cynthia!!.”
— Brooke and Mike

“Incredible talent and person; exactly who you want shooting your most special and intimate wedding moments.”
— Lisa Jacqueline G.